Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The count so far

1. We've got 3 votes for Little, Big (Ed voted in his most recent post, not in the poll).
2. Natalie says she'll read whatever we choose.
3. Doug will vote before the deadline on Saturday.



one of us said...

I don't know if I can handle the tension this choice is creating. The race between Obama and Clinton pales in comparison.

Pam: I like the new look for the blog. I also like the way you said Doug will vote before the deadline. As in "Doug WILL vote before the deadline."

One of the fun things about online communications is that you can create nuance to fit your mood -- whether or not the original poster intended it.


one of us said...

Ed: At first I wrote "I'll ask Doug to vote tonight." Then I changed it to "I'll talk to Doug about voting soon." My final edit was "Doug will [emphasis on "will" implied] vote before the deadline." Sort of describes how our marriage works, at least inside my head.
