Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I finished it...

A powerful, poetic, thought-provoking, emotion-charged story which both lauds and fears the power of words. Because I am so aware of the power of words and their immortality, I want to address that briefly; I realize that everyone else's discussions will go in different directions (which I am also eager to explore). I am always,even in the heat of anger or pain, careful not to say something that does not need to be said and to use words constructively rather than destructively. I counsel others to do the same and have never understood why so many people don't appreciate the great power they have to hurt or heal with just a word. I am often nonplussed when someone flings words as weapons; the very knowledge of their purpose seems to render me invulnerable to the attack. On the other hand, a consoling word wraps around me and is remembered forever. I don't mean to belabor the point, I know you all get it; but I really do live my life hyper-aware of language usage. I did love reading the book and am looking forward to your reactions as well.

1 comment:

one of us said...

I tried to post earlier today but obviously didn't succeed. Paula your post was so interesting, in so many ways. I just finished the book late last night and in a small part of my brain I'm still sort of under the spell of Liesel and her life. I'll have to think some more about the book, and about your very interesting post, before I add to this semi-public discussion.

I now fully agree with you when you ask why the book is not marketed to all ages.

More later,