Sunday, April 27, 2008

230 - 240

I must grudgingly admit that when confined to 10 pages I can find some interesting things in this book. The musings on the joys of reading and books (pp 230-231) are nice. The book Auberon shows to his dad ("is this book true?") seems like it may touch on a significant piece of this story: that someone has written down the story of this family in advance.

I get that 2 of Lilac's great grandparents were brother and sister and therefore some people, Daily Alice for example, are somewhat embarrassed about this intermarriage, if that's the right word. But why does Auberon act like Lilac is an imaginary friend? Maybe there are 2 Lilacs: one real, one imaginary?

And is Momdy another name for Sophie Dale? (probably something else I missed in my half-assed reading).

What does this mean?
Parturient montes et nascetur ridiculus mus.

The passages about Smoky and Daily Alice passing the time (bottom of page 240) are nice.

This may be it for me.... I gave it good try, found it worth my time, but that time is running out.


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