I'm back to reading the novel. Eddie guilted me into it. We (he and I) agreed to read to page 350 (gasp) and then reassess. Join us if you will.
While I was shopping for fruit just now I had a thought: I'm going to stop thinking about plot and time and family structure. I have an inkling of some sociopolitical intrigue (maybe BladeRunner-ish?) coming up so that also makes me want to continue. I'm just starting book 2 on page 204.
Nesting Canada goose from the pond next door to our house.
I'm out. I just can't finish. I do feel bad since it was my suggestion but that's not reason enough to suffer The pressure I feel at the end of the day to continue reading is no fun. Book club should be fun and lively.
Hey Lar. Where's your lapsed Protestant guilt?
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