Monday, April 28, 2008

Going it alone?

So Ed. I feel bad leaving you behind with the likes of the Drinkwaters and the Mouses, but it's finally come to that. Please report to us whether you also gave up on the book. Better yet, maybe you'll continue reading, the book will finally click for you, and you can tell us what it was all about.

I feel pretty good about my 245-page investment of time. Larry has said a couple of times that he feels bad having guided us to this book but I think he must stop that. If we continue reading as a group (boy is that an overstatement) each of us may go through the same thing. Even worse, we're going to come across a book that one of us hates and another one loves. Or maybe that's better for a book discussion blog.



lrfox said...

I will break my silence to say that I have started The Book Thief and I am ready to start book club session #2.


Pam J. said...

Then I will start soon too. I'm waiting for a day when I feel especially upbeat since the subject of this book looks mighty grim.