Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Time and place

The explanation of the worlds "composed of a series of concentric rings" is quite beautiful (pp 43-44). Sounds plausible to me.

I have to get over this feeling that I'll never engage in this novel if I can't pin it down in time. Are we being introduced to an entire family without regard to chronology? It never occurred to me that time and place are so important to me, but apparently they are. Onward!

Larry said:
"The comments on punctuation, grammar, layout and general oddness comments were unexpected. But I do see how that makes reading this cumbersome. I just try to give my self up to the story."

Pam's thoughts on above:
I KNEW you would say something like that. I just knew it. This crowd has been talking about such matters for so damn long that we can hear conversations before they've occurred.


1 comment:

one of us said...

I guess after 53 years of friendship, I am pretty predictable.
