Friday, April 4, 2008

Nominations for next book?

Is it too soon to start nominating books for the next round? We could always just recycle the losers (such a harsh word) from the last round. But maybe we could have a rule that if a book doesn't make it in one round it can never be nominated again. There are so many books that this forces us to always have fresh books on the list...



one of us said...

I think it depends why the book wasn't chosen.

For example, The Fortress of Solitude or Water for Elephants people had read before. No reason to re-suggest. However, if someone feels strongly about a book, no reason not to suggest again. Case in point is The Book Thief which I may re-suggest first because everyone I know who has read it really likes it. Second, it has been translated into Hebrew.

Hope that gives my opinion on your question.


one of us said...

I would like to read the Book Thief.