Sunday, March 2, 2008

Making a decision

Hi all:

One last thing before I close for the night:

How/how soon are we going to decide what we're going to read? Also, how long do book clubs usually have to read a given book?

Perhaps one of the advantages of doing this as a blog is that we could divide long books into more than one part. I think Doug's concern about length is legit. We could agree to read each part by a certain date. That way we could discuss one part of a book while reading the next part. It might also add some interesting spontaneity if we change our opinions as we proceed.

However, now we need to choose our first book and get started.

Just a thought. That's all for me today (it's almost 10:30 p.m. here).


1 comment:

one of us said...

Let's come up with a deadline for choosing: how about the 15th? That gives us 2 weeks to make a choice.

Even if we can decide on the book, this is a great way of keeping in touch with each other.