Monday, March 3, 2008


Hmm, Song Yet Sung does sound interesting to me -- and I enjoyed his first book, The Color of Water. Does anyone know anything about The Double Bind by Chris Bohjalian? I've never read his books but I've heard good things about this one. Also, Then It Came to the End has been recommended to me and it's on the NY Times 10 Best Books of 2007 list. Okay, it's now 2am and I am getting very tired -- go to sleep Larry D!


one of us said...

I just finished Then It Came to the End. I was very disappointed with it. Cannot understand how it got such good reviews.


one of us said...

I read Midwives by Chris Bohjalian and liked it a lot.* Paula I'm going to nominate The Double Bind b/c it sounds good to me. And I'm going to remove your (accidental?) vote by simply deleting the entire poll and re-posting it. (Note how I didn't use a single comma---an homage to Gertrude Stein about whom I learned a lot reading Sister Bernadette's etc etc). Pam

*Maybe we should have a discussion of "Oprah books." I used to be an Oprah snob (meaning I wouldn't read anything she recommended) but I've changed. I don't read books merely b/c she recommended them but I also don't eliminate books b/c she recommended them.

one of us said...

I've read two books by Bohjalian: Midwives and Trans-Sister Radio. I'm still not certain why I read the second. Although the reviews for Double Bind sound good I'm inclined to prefer something else because this would be the third book by the same author.

BTW, Pam: I'm glad that Gertrude Stein encouraged you to use fewer commas. But what about an "apostrophe s" at the end of "Mrs. Biggs"? (LOL)

That brings me to the next comment: Would anyone be insulted if we took her name off? Even in jest I'd prefer not to see her name every time I look at the blog.

And a final comment: When I was reading Camy's post yesterday I thought "Song Yet Sung" was a Chinese author I was supposed to recognize.


one of us said...

Is Song Yet Sung out in paperback?


one of us said...

Mrs. Biggs is OK with me.


one of us said...

Ed: Strunk and White were gods and I've tended to follow their advice over the years. But I've always disagreed with them on using an 'apostrophe es' when making a possessive of a singular proper noun that ends in 's.' To me, AP style seems much cleaner, much more in keeping with the way we, or at least I, pronounce "Mrs. Biggs' Reading Club." But if you wish to revert to S & W style I shall make the change.

On the larger issue of whether to retire Mrs. Biggs from the name of this blog: We could do another poll! So far we have one vote for keeping her, one vote for ditching her, and my vote for "I really don't care."